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(Roman Nymphaeun-Shrine 21 km)

Take the road from Chtaura to Ablah via Zahle, then turn at the left fork in Ablah. After about four kilometers turn at the sign for Temmin al-Fawqa. Follow the main road through the village, asking for "Jubb Al-Ahbash." the local name for this unique Roman site.

    This little vaulted sanctuary, situated beside a stream and surrounded by pine and cypress trees, was built during the Roman period in honor of a local god of flowing water. The figure of this god appears on a very mutilated cippus or stone plaque.
    Inside the small structure is a shaft four meters deep which takes the water to an underground cistern. Two niches are built into the side walls of the interior. The building as a whole, especially the beautiful roof  restored by the Directorate of Antiquities, is best admired from the outside.
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