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Lebanon's Highest Peak
(6 km from the Cedars)

    You can ascend the 3088-meter-high Qornet es-Sawda by foot or take advantage of a track suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles to cover most of the distance. Allow a whole day if you walk to the summit, watching for possible fog or rain squalls that might hamper visibility. Finding your

way is not difficult, but a local guide can show you the best routes. In winter the peak is deep in snow, so plan this excursion for June through September.
    The initial climb, following the path of the old chair lift, takes about two hours and brings you to a small hut at the head of the lift. From here you hike north along the top for another hour. The peak itself, marked by a metal tripod-like structure some four meters high, has a panoramic view that extends to the sea on a clear day. Look for patches of snow and porcupine quills along the way.

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