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    Ten kilometers south of Tyre lies the village of Qlayle. The scattered archaeological remains (granite and marble columns, large capitals, mosaics with beautiful geometrical motifs resembling the Byzantine cross and surrounded by poppies) bear witness to the historical significance of the site. In 1996, a vaulted tomb with central pillars preceded by a stepped dromos was accidentally discovered. In the same year, a water cistern (20m x 10m) hewn in the rock was also found. Another historical monument is the mausoleum where, according to popular tradition, the prophet Umran, the father of the Holy Virgin, is buried. It is a rectangular domed building (9.5m x 7.5m) surrounded by iron bars.
    From Qlayle continue to nearby Umm al Awamid. The ruins of the ancient settlement are located on a rocky promontory overlooking the coastal strip extending from Ras al Bayada in the north to Ras al Naqura in the south. In this area, the plain is very narrow and mountain and sea practically join together. This is the natural southern border of the Tyrian territory.

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