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(Ottoman Bridge and Roman Aqueduct 33 km)

    The valley of the Ibrahim River, the ancient Adonis, is famed for both its historical and religious significance. A wild and beautiful area, in pagan times a pilgrimage road ran along its north side to Afqa, scene of the tragic love story of Venus (Astarte) and Adonis.
    An Ottoman bridge built in 1806 can be seen on the left of the road, shortly after  you turn off from the main highway. Upstream are a number of riverside cafés that make a pleasant and cooling stop in summer. Further on, where the valley forks, the east structures of a Roman Aqueduct are visible. Some of the retaining walls of the aqueduct can be seen on the opposite cliff, while the single remaining arch has been repaired by the General Directorate of Antiquities.
    Continuing along the same road, you come to Mashnaqa, the Roman temple of Yanuh, Aqoura and Afqa.

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