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(archaeological Sites 30 km)

Near Jiyeh on the coast between Damour and Sidon is Nabi Younis, where tradition says the Prophet Jonah  came ashore after he was swallowed by a whale. Although little remains today, it was also the site of the Byzantine settlement of Porphyeon, which probably reached its height during the 6th century AD.
Here a medieval shrine to Jonah was found beneath the sands. Now a mosque, the shrine also has a

Nabi Younis: The Mosque

vestige of old Porphyeona monolithic column with a late Roman or Byzantine Corinthian capital. Inside the shrine is an old mihrab and a small chamber holding one of the several supposed tombs of Jonah.
A number  of  beautiful mosaic floors from early Christian and Byzantine basilicas have been found in El-Jiyeh itself. These are on display at Beiteddine Palace.

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