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(Ancient Church 64 km)

    The village of Mayfouk is located in a lovely mountain area with verdant scenery.
Here is the Church of Our Lady of Elige, built of small stones and obviously of great antiquity. A Syriac inscription dating to 1276 inlaid in the wall of the church and written in estranghelo characters, reads: "In the name of the eternally living God, in the year 1588 of the Greek era, this Jacobite temple to the Mother of God, who prays

for us, was finished. Amen. By the hands of the bishops Mark and John."
    The Church is today owned by the Maronite community and according to Maronite history, was for a time the seat of their Patriarchate. for us, was finished. Amen. By the hands of the bishops Mark and John."
    The Church is today owned by the Maronite community and according to Maronite history, was for a time the seat of their Patriarchate.

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