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    Leave Sidon from the south and drive on the road leading to Tyre. When you reach the Siniq river, 4 Kilometers south of Sidon, turn left to go to Darb al Seem an old village famous for its beautiful scenery. Worth visiting is the sixteenth century church, although it is hard to spot because it is surrounded on three sides by buildings. Funerary caves containing sarcophagi have been found in the village, but these are no longer in evidence.
    Continue to Maghdushe, 2 kilometers east of Darb al Seem. At the entrance of the locality, the statue of our Lady of al Mantara rises on a high hill. There you can enjoy breathtaking view of Sidon and of the orchards surrounding it. Next to the statue is the church, a natural cave where, according to tradition, the Virgin Mary used to wait for Her Son when he came preaching in the area. On the 8th of September of every year, the people of Maghdushe celebrate the feast of the Virgin. All the believers of the neighboring villages participate in this event, which is accompanied by shows and festivals. This famous and popular ceremony, which attracts a large crowd, led to the opening of several restaurants where the pilgrims can eat and rest.
    Maghdushe is also famous for orange blossom water extracted from blossoms of bitter orange trees found in large numbers in the village.

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