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   From Adlun continue to Kharayeb, 26 km south of Sidon. It is located on a hill left of the Sidon-Tyre road. The Directorate General of Antiquities excavations in 1946 uncovered there one of the most important settlements of South Lebanon. An almost square (11m x 12.6m) building, a temple of the goddess Astrate-Isis, was excavated. Above the door, a relief representing a sun disc surrounded by two uraei was found. Inside the building, were three offering tables or altars. The most spectacular find was the huge collection of clay figurines representing the fertility goddess naked and holding a lotus flower. Figurines of the Egyptian god Bes who accompanies the pregnant goddess, or dea gravida, and of the god Thot represented as an ape, have also been found. The temple was rebuilt in the Hellenistic period and became a rectangular (11m x 17m) monument, inside which a second collection of clay figurines was found. Among these are figurines of the goddess Demeter, of musicians and of various animals, like the horse and the bull. The site continued to be occupied in the Roman period as attested by coins bearing the name of Tyre and dating to the second century A.D. (1122 and 115 A.D.).

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