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(Roman Temples 61 km)

    From Chtaura drive in the direction of Masnaa (border post), turning right toward Rashaya just before the post. In Rashaya ask for the road to Kfar Quk.
    The best way to see the array of Roman ruins here is to park near the pool at the entrance of the  village and walk to the western quarter

("El-Garbiyyeh" in Arabic). Kfar Quk residents will be pleased to find visitors interested in the ruins, so accept their invitation to guide you around.
    In the western quarter a small rectangular temple sits on the road side. Within its walls can be found basins, grape presses, a sarcophagus, columns and other relics. A second, less well-preserved temple near the church has many stone basins.
    Outside the village is an old flour mill once powered by a water wheel. Although it sits on a now dry gully and is in a ruined state, the mill's size is a testimony to its former importance. In the area around the village numerous caves, tomb niches, columns and other objects await exploration.

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