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Waterfalls and Monasteries
(32 Km from Batroun)

    This long narrow town runs along the hillside of the rich agricultural valley of the same name and is known for its pleasant outdoor restaurants.
    Scattered around the village are the ruins of many monasteries and churches. Mar Butros is identifiable by its large rust colored stones. There are also partially preserved Deir Mar Tedros and the ruined church of the Virgin in the so-called "Haret al-Matawli" or Shiite Quarter. Another  church of the Virgin, known as Saydet al-Kharayeb, or "Our Lady of the Ruins" was originally decorated with wall paintings.
    On the road to Kfar Hilda is a springtime waterfall on the Jose (Walnut) River which should be seen from the road above for the best view.
    A pretty valley known as  "Basatin al 'Issi" near the falls is suitable for  hiking or picnics. This is reached by a rough road about half a kilometer long.

Kfar Hilda
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