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This district in the extreme north of the Beqaa Valley has a number of intriguing sights. The Hermel Pyramid, 27 meters high, can be seen for miles in every direction. Three of its faces are carved with hunting scenes that suggest the pyramid-topped structure is a tomb, probably of a Syrian price of the 1st ir 2nd century BC.

A few kilometers further on is the Mar Maroun Monastery, a rock-cut refuge in three levels. This is said to be the temporary refuge of the successors of Saint Maroun, founder of the Maronite Christian sect in the 5th century AD.
Below these imposing remains is the "Blue Source" of the Aasi River with its blue-tinted water. The stream flows through a lush riverside oasis in a landscape of dramatic but barren hills.
Further north are the Dirdara falls, wide fast-flowing rapids. At their base are several outdoor restaurants where diners can enjoy the cool atmosphere of rushing water.

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