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(Typical Mountain Town 27 km)

    Ghazir, east of coastal Maamaltein, is the birthplace of Emir Bechir Chehab II (1767-1850) and home to many 17th and 18th century churches and monasteries.
    The college of Deir Mar Maroun, built by the Jesuits in 1843-44, stands on the remains of a medieval monastery. Note the Renaissance-style facade of its church, a typical example of European influence on Lebanon's architecture. The monastery's School of Theology, which moved to Beirut in 1874, became the nucleus of the modern University of Saint Joseph.
    The town has a number of old houses belonging to the Chehab family, including the traditional house where President Fouad Chehab (1958-1964)

was born. Also of interest is the Hotel de Ville, built in 1904 under the mutassarif of Mount Lebanon, Muzaffar Pasha.
    Ghazir is a wine producing area, and the home of Musar vineyards.
    Beit Khashbo, near Ghazir, is the site of a restored late 18th century monastery built around an interior courtyard. The church door is decorated with admirable sobriety, while inside, a Roman Byzantine sarcophagus with a Latin inscription serves as a water basin.

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