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Famous Resort Town
(30 Km from Zghorta)

    Ehden is a large prosperous town with pleasant weather, good restaurants and many waterfalls. Its lively town square or midan is a popular meeting place for residents on warm summer evenings.

    Among the sights to be seen is Ehden is the mummified body of Yousef Karam, national hero of the 19th century who lies in state in the village church. Nearby is Deir Mar Sarkis which has several small chapels, the oldest dating to the 13th and 14th centuries. There is also the ancient church of Mar Mema, (Saint Mamas), built in the 8th century. Higher up is Saydet el Hosn (Our Lady of the Citadel), which was probably built upon the remains of an ancient building. From here you get a good view of the cedar grove and the valley extending all the way to Tripoli.

    Horsh Ehden, a nature reserve 4 km east was established in 1992. This is a protected zone for hundreds of unique indigenous botanical specimens including rare trees and flowering plants. It also shelters some of the few surviving animal wildlife species in the country.

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