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Ancient Remnants
(37 Km from Batroun)

    This red-roofed town, which stands at the head of a long fertile valley known as Kfar Hilda, is proud of its ancient remnants. In the town square sits a 4th century A.D. sarcophgus, bearing a Greek inscription recording that this was the burial place of Castor, who died in 317 A.D. He was a priest of


the two gods Hygeia and Asklepios (health and healing). Other ancient remains are set in the walls of the churches of Mar Doumit and Mar Shalleeta.
    On the post office lawn nearby are some mill stones and oil presses, probably from Late Roman or Byzantine times.
    Near the roadside just above the town is the ancient church of Mar Nohra built into the rock. From the wooden door fashioned from tree slabs to the yard shaded with a large Holme or Mediterranean oak, this charming spot is definitely worth a visit. Stone picnic tables are provided.

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