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(Roman Temple 17 km)

    Take the Damascus road from Chtaura, turning right at Merj through Haouch El-Harimeh then left at Khiara. A huge school complex on the left 3.5 kilometers before Khiara makes a good landmark. The village of Dekweh is another two kilometers furtherr on, and can be seen in the distance on the lower slopes of the moutain.
    Just behind this small village, inhabited by sheep herders and farmers, is a renovated temple set in its own yard. With its four walls intact up to roof level and the corners of the pediment still in situ, it is an excellent example of a temple in nearly complete condition.
    A path on the hillside behind it leads up to an ancient necropolis - a ten to fifteen-minute walk. Two cave openings are immediately accessible. The larger cave has five arched caults, two stone sacrophagi, and a number of tomb niches. The second cave is smaller with two arched niches.

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