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"The Face of God"
(15 km from Batroun)

    A coastal town with a superb natural location, Chekka is the site of cement and paper factories which lend an unfortunate  industrial aspect to the area. Nonetheless, the nearby Ras ach-Cha'a, known as "Theouprosopan" (the Face pf God) in classical times, is an acclaimed beauty spot.
    A chalky headland that juts into the sea, it is the site of the village of Hamat and the Monastery of Deir Nouriyyeh. Two other churches, Deir Mar Jeryius and Deir Mar Elias, are also worth visiting. Mar Elias church on the heights of Ras ach-Chaq'a overlooks the Musalyha Castle and the green Joze River valley below.
    The scenic seaside road of Ras ach-Chaq'a has some lovely views and there are good beaches nearby.

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