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Roman Temple, Monastery and Crusader Castle Ruins
(30 Km from Halba)

    To reach this interesting site, turn left from the center of Halba in the direction of Qubbayat. Continue until you come to an artificial lake on your right, about 18 kilometers before Halba. Half a kilometer beyond this is left turn in the direction of Menjez which you follow for five kilometers. Then


take a right fork that deadends at the hamlet of Qosayr. Just beyond a grove of large oak trees and a tomb, turn right onto a dirt road, which, if dry, is passable by car. About one kilometer along this road is a small building and from here a ten minute walk along  the path to the right leads to the temple site.
    At Maqam ar-Rabb or Beit Jallouk, lie the basaltic remains of a little temple erected in stages starting in the first century A.D. This temple, restored by the Directorate General of Antiquities, has some dedications in Greek letters. One of them, a statue base measuring 110cmx67cm, was dedicated in 262 A.D. by the priest Drusus to Nemesis, who was considered the mistress of cosmic destiny. Note the wheel of fortune below the name of the goddess. In Byzantine  times the temple was made into a church.
    In the valley below the temple is the Menjez River. North of the temple towards the river you can see the old Roman canalization with supporting walls five meters high. This water course winds its way for some distance both east and west of the temple and makes an interesting hike.
    The town of Menjez is the site of Monastery of Our Lady of the Fortress, located at the end of a long stone paved road. Built in 1890, the structure stands near the remains of a Crusader castle where cisterns and tombs may also be found.

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