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(Hermitage of St. Charbel 54 km)

   The main attraction in Annaya is the St. Maroun Monastery and the hermitage of Lebanon's Saint Charbel, beatified in 1965 and canonized in 1989. Many miraculous cures are attributed to St. Charbel, whose body is said to have remained intact after his death in 1898. In the monastery you can see the tomb of Charbel along with relics of his miracles. A small, vaulted-ceiling stone church is open to visitors and a souvenir shop sells religious objects, books and pictures.

    Leaving the monastery, a road to the left leads up to the Hermitage where Charbel lived. Approached by a long set of wide stone stairs, this mountain top location affords a magnificent view. Inside the old building are various hermit's cells, including the room where Charbel died. A small square church is part of the hermitage.

    Annaya attracts a steady stream of visitors so the area has a good  selection of restaurants and snack shops. Both the monastery and the hermitage have restroom facilities. Sleeping quarters for overnight guests at the monastery are available at a modest fee.
    Two km before Annaya is Torzaya, known for its interesting cave. The cave entrances are in an idyllic valley below the Church of St. Theresa, about two kilometers downhill from the mosque in the center of town. Another half kilometer downhill from the church brings you to the bridge and from here a footpath leads to a cave with many chambers and fantastic stone shapes which can be explored on foot.
    In winter and spring, when the cave is a channel for the rushing River Ibrahim, the water flows from beneath a natural arch out into a verdant river valley. In summer  you can explore the cave on foot with the help of a flashlight.
    This little valley is a beautiful spot for a picnic. A walk around the area might also turn up antique remnants such cave burial chambers, or elements from a Roman temple which probably once stood here.

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