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(40 Km from Halba)

    Located near the village of Akkar al-Atiqa (Old Akkar), the hour's hike to the castle begins at a bridge over a little river, just where the road climbs steeply to the village of Akkar al-Atiqa. The castle stands on a narrow spur at 694 meters but the best view is from the village itself - just follow the road over the bridge.

    Probably built in the late 10th century A.D. by Mouhriz Ibn Akkar, the castle was taken by the Crusaders in the 12th century and reconquered in 1271 by the Mamluke Sultan Baibars. During the Ottoman period, it belonged to the feudal family if the Banu Sayfa, then around 1620 it was partially destroyed by Emir Fakhreddine II.

    Although the castle is in ruins, you can recognize two courts separated by a sort of ditch and surrounded by five rectangular towers. The higher court contains a vaulted cistern. The main tower at the southern end, which is still in fairly good condition, is decorated with a frieze of lions carved during restoration work carried out by Sultan Baïbars. From here there is also a splendid view of the surrounding area.

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