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(Roman Temple Site 45 km)

    From Dhour Chweir take the Zahle road through Bois de Boulogne and Mrouj. Just before the road makes a wide loop to climb to Aintoura, a track on the right descends to the valley. An easy walk of about a half hour takes you through beautiful open scenery where you'll find some huge sarcophagi, remnants of Roman or Byzantine times.
    Finally, you reach the scattered stones of a

Roman temple. As recently as the late 1980's the temple's foundations and podium, as well as part of the walled enclosure and door frames were still in place. Unfortunately the ancient stones have since been removed and used to build a church. The extensive site and prime location show that it was once an important temple. Nearby is a rock-cut necropolis dating from Roman-Byzantine times.
    Above Zintoura is the village of Majdal Tarshish where you will find some recognizable sections of Roman temple walls, and other remains. Column shafts, elements are scattered among the trees and sloping terraces.

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