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(Roman Temple 48 km)

    From Chtaura drive in the direction of the border post with Syria, (Masnaa), but turn right toward Rashaya just before the post. Continue through the villages of Dahr El-Ahmar and Labia to Ain Harsha village whose high-walled terraces wind their way around the curves of the hillsides.
    From here you have to walk. The rocky, exposed path (steep at first but leveling off) from the top of the village leads to the temple through a wildly beautiful landscape. On the walk, which takes about forty minutes, farmers and shepherds will greet you on your way and willingly give

directions and colorful renditions of the history of the temple. The temple can also be reached by walking down from the higher village of Ain Ata.
    One of the best preserved temples on Mount Hermon, Ain Harsha is built of local limestone and blends in so well that it is virtually camouflaged among the rocky crags and boulders. A large stone (broken in two) in front of the temple, carries an inscription in Greek that dates it ti 114-115 AD. The temple was restored in 1938-39 and the west wall-the side you see as you approach-is so perfect it is easily mistaken for modern. Around the temple are more remnants of ancient habitation, including sarcophagi.
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