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(Druze Village 39 km)

This is a very old village famed in the past as a Druze religious center. Abey is full of remains associated with the Tannoukh Emirs, descendants of an Arab tribe settled in this region by the Abbasids around the mid-8th century.
    Among the monuments left by this feudal dynasty are the fountain of the Emirs, the

 residence of Emir Qa'an At-Tannoukhi (17th-18th centuries), the residence of Sheikh Riad Amine Eddine and the restored Druze tomb (Maqam) if Sayid Abdallah at-Tannukhi (ca. 1479), which is an important Druze pilgrimage site.
    Other monuments are the churches of as-Saydeh, Mar Sarkis and Bakhos, Mar Maroun, and the Evangelical church founded by European missionaries in the 17th centuray.

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