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(Mar Semaan Cave Chapel 52 km)

    In Abaydat village, ask for the path to Mar Semaan. This hour-long walk takes you eastwards into a river valley, then up hill again where the cave is located. The route is a pleasant one and not too difficult. In addition to the chapel itself, hikers will be rewarded with good views, birdsong, aromatic sage and wild flowers. The final ascent to the walled-in cave chapel, set in a cliff 3-4 meters above ground level, is somewhat steep.

    Once there, a sturdy ladder is provided for the climb to the chapel, where 12th-13th century frescoes represent Christ Pantocrater seated on a throne between the Virgin on the left and Saint John the Baptist on the right. They are flanked by two six-winged seraphim with an inscription in Syriac. Beneath this scene are figures of disciples and church fathers. Unfortunately, the paintings are in very poor condition.
    In the village itself look for the Medieval Church of Mar Eusebius, built on antique remains. Above the door is an inscription in Greek.

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